The most expensive Loot Box is yours for a mere 100,000 in-game credits, and as I was earning around 10,000 credits per Bronze Tier game, it isn’t too much of a bind to save up for them. There are Humans, Salarians, Krogans and more to choose from, but the majority are locked away and can be obtained by buying the “loot boxes”, either with in-game credits or real money if you really can’t wait. Once you’ve chosen your difficulty tier, you then have to select your character. There are three tiers of difficulty to try Gold, Silver and Bronze, and each of these modes has a recommended level associated with it – Bronze being up to level 10, Silver from 10-20 and so on. Basically, what Bioware have done this time with the multiplayer is to make an almost Horde-lite mode. Strangely, I’ll deal with the multiplayer side first of all. So, on to the game itself then and it is one of two halves having the single player campaign to get through, and also a multiplayer element. The weird running issue seems to occur more when Ryder is running upstairs, but again it’s a long way from a deal breaker, and I must admit I struggled to notice glitches to the degree that the bad press surrounding the game would have led you to believe. On the topic of the animation, the running animation of the characters is sometimes a little strange Ryder would at times come across as having a kind of bow legged gait like she was some futuristic pirate, but again, besides looking peculiar, it didn’t have a big effect on the game for me.
There have been a couple of occasions when one of the companions, Peebee, did look like she was about to bite my character’s head off and had some kind of weird eye rolling thing going on, but it isn’t all the time and isn’t that big a deal. I can honestly say that this has not had an adverse effect on me playing the game.
Before we move onto impressions of the game itself, I just want to deal with the elephant in the room and discuss the much reported “facial animation” issue.